Yes... I sense your fear and it's GOOD! Because here you'll find the bizzare products of my mind, and believe me that's even more twisted than a corkscrew. But in a loveable way, so I'm told. You decide

Alright . . . below are fanfics rummaged from various places which I dare not mention. Some of them display my attempt *Note: ATTEMPT* at humour, while others just prove that I have a really *weird* approach to a keyboard. I will also have to forewarn you about my lack of imagination when it comes to names and titles. For some odd reason, whenever I'm faced with them, whatever creativity I have sneaks off to grab a cup of coffee and leaves me stranded. So with that, I hope you won't blast me with critisism cauze I've got me to do that.


By the way, I should also mention that in my schools all the teachers and my fellow students have grown to fear my spelling inability (Not to mention illiterate handwriting). To this I say, thank god for computers and spell-checkers.

:: Fan Fiction :: Original Fiction :: Guest Fiction ::