Just a few points gleened off the many betta sites out there. For more information, head on over to the betta care links
Living area
It is possible to keep bettas in very small containers. However! They'd be much happier and healthier. This is mainly cause the smaller the containers, the faster waste, bacteria and toxic substances (ammonia, anyone?) will accumalate. Which means you'll have to spend heaps of time changing their water.
Here's a basic guide obtained from Bettas
R Us:
(calculations in liters(l) are using the assumption that gal
refers to US gallon)
Container size | Water change |
0.5 gal / 1.9l | x2/week |
1 gal / 3.8l | x1/week |
2 gal / 7.6l without filter | x1 / 1.5 - 2 wks |
+2 gal / +7.6l with filter | partial changes/week |
Points to remember:
- Dechlorinate your water. Chlorine will damage fish gills which will
lead to suffocating.
- Bettas jump! Always keep a non-airtight cover on their tanks
- Bettas need to breathe air. Don't block them from the water surface.
- Male bettas will fight and even kill each other. Don't put them together!
- Aquarium salt is always good. Add 1 teaspoon to 2.5 gal (7.4l). They
get extra ions for better health, plus it prevents most diseases!
Bettas are carnivores which means they are meat eaters. They do enjoy the occasional mushed pea (the inside bits) which will help their digestion. Variety is good, and if you toss in the occasional worm they'll love you to bits!
Points to remember:
- Don't overfeed! Bettas' tummies are as big as their eyeball. They
will wriggle, they will beg, but that's cause opportunistic feeding
is their habit. Don't give in!
- Daily is good, but don't worry too much if you miss a day. They'll
still survive
Some people feed them for 6 days and skip one just to clear their digestive
system. You be the judge of what you want to do.
- If you feed live foods, be sure to wash them thoroughly! They can
harbor parasites that'll give your bettas a bad time.
Companions and Accessories
Plants are good, and if your aesthetic sense demands it, gravel is ok. However, keep in mind that bettas have long flowing fins that can tear easily. Plastic plants will do that, so use silk or even better, live. Bettas love to lounge and play in them so add that in increase happy factor! As for the gravel (rocks), make sure they're smooth so they won't catch on to the fins and rip 'em as the bettas swim past.
As for tank companions, bettas are only vicious to their own species. When it comes to others, it will depend on the bettas' personality. Some enjoy the company of other species while others bully them. It really depends.
It is a rule of thumb though that you should not keep bettas in the same tank as fin-nippers. Sometimes their fins are too much of a temptation to other fishes and they'll gobble them up . Lists of compatible species can be found at Bettas R Us and Betta Starz.
While males will tear at each other if put together, females will do it to a lesser extant and will not kill each other (usually). It is possible to house females together, but ensure there is a lot of hiding places so they can hide from each other if they're bullied.