You'll have to excuse me on the photos. I have an evil webcam and my bettas are camera shy.
-: Meet Ivan's Bettas :-
Quezacotl (Or his less dignified nickname, Quezzie)
Lord of all he surveys
Solid blue crowntail delta male.
Loves to intimidate fellow neighbours (or show off to the ladies!)
and absolutely refuses to back down until intimidatee goes on his knees
and begs for mercy. Or until he gets bored of it and tries begging more
food from me.
Sees all, knows all
Blue crowntail female
This gal is a match for Quezzie anyday. When I bought her at first
(Same time as Quezzie and the two flared at each other non-stop the
whole way home!) she was this pretty white thing with a blue sheen on
her body. Now... well. You can see, can't you?
Shiva has an unsettling quirk for jumping for her food. I've seen her
leap about 4 cm from a standing (floating?) start. Thank god I have
the cover on her tank.
The Peacemaker
Red/black butterfly crowntail male
Unbelieveably, this guy is really really shy. Sure, in the shop he was all gung-ho and flaring at everyone but when I took him home he got into a 30 minute show down with Quezzie and suddenly he's all peaceful and backs down (complete with pale colour and horizontal stripes. Horizontal stripes!).
He does, however, adore everyone and it shows if he's isolated from
them. He sulks and pouts and absolutely refuses to eat. But bring him
back in view of his neighbours and he's his usual self - gazing at every
single one of them and drifting from side to side checking everyone
out. Not to mention gobbling his betta bites like a little pig
Eternally Confused
Peach/red body with red fins streaked with white-green (Sex unknown)
Ok, this little fella's been confusing me for about a week or so. I bought her as a female to even out my bettas (2 males, 2 females kinda thang). But suddenly... 'she' begins making bubblenests the size of my palm, growing 'her' fins out at an alarming rate and doing a Houdini on her ovipositor. Not to mention since I moved 'her' beside Shiva, the both of them have been flaring non-stop.
Ok! It's confirmed. Carbuncle is a BOY! :D
Bring it on
Purple and white veiltail male
My latest addition to the gang. This guy was bought after a ridiculous
running around New Farm for a whole hour looking for a local fish shop
(LFS) that was horribly *horribly* overpriced! But just to make the
trip worth it, I bought this guy mainly cause he's purple!
Aww, but he's got an adorable attitude. He absolutely refuses to acknowledge
Quezzie (who is going nuts trying to get him to flare back ).
Instead, he just hunts down everything that enters his bowl and does
his best to kill it.
I'm small, cute, and FIESTY!
Red/Black butterfly roundtail male
One of the two brothers I bought from Meagan, this boy is my little baby! Lookit him! So cute and adorable... and flares at everything that walks past!
Adores his betta bites, he will do anything, *anything!* to con me into giving him more.
Once he started to float and drift sideways, fins all clamped up, looking lifeless and utterly utterly pitiful. Tapping the side of his tank got no response. Just a slight movement of the gills. I thought it was the food; so I took the container to examine it and suddenly he's flared up, zigzagging up and down and giving me his best 'I'm so cute and adorable and cuddly' look (pictured above). Laughing, I gave him a bit and he was practically dancing.
I'm shy
Red/Clear butterfly roundtail male
Neo's brother! Much bigger than Neo, he's the shy one
of the group. A pretty thing, he gets scared at the slightest motion
It's really weird when he does cause he turns into an ash-grey butterfly. It doesn't help that his neighbour is Quezzie. But he does take refuge that his other neighbour is Carbuncle and right now he's grown bigger than ol' Carbie.